
Farming on SquadSwap involves users depositing liquidity provider (LP) tokens into a specific smart contract and earning reward tokens in return. This method is designed to increase liquidity and encourage user participation on the SquadSwap platform. Users stake their LP tokens created on SquadSwap by depositing them into the platform's farming contract. This staking process continues for a set period and rewards users with unique tokens from the platform, such as SQUAD.

You can collect your reward with the Harvest button. Thanks to its easy interface, you can increase or decrease your staked token pair by adding or withdrawing.

Yield farming on SquadSwap entails some significant differences between V2 and V3:

Liquidity Positions:

  • V3: Requires liquidity positions for specific trading pairs and a specified fee rate. For instance, the SQUAD-BNB 0.25% Farm only accepts liquidity positions for the SQUAD-BNB pair with this rate.

  • V2: Directly requires LP Tokens. When providing liquidity for a pair, you receive the corresponding LP Tokens.

Multiple Positions and Management:

  • V3: Allows staking multiple positions for the same pair, each earning SQUAD rewards separately.

  • V2: Involves staking a single LP Token position.

Adding/Removing Liquidity:

  • V3: Allows adding or removing liquidity while staking in the farm, with SQUAD rewards sent to your wallet during this process.

  • V2: Similarly allows adding or removing liquidity, but the transaction details may differ slightly.

Reward Collection:

  • V3 and V2: In both versions, you collect earned SQUAD from staked positions separately.

User Interface and Functionality:

  • V3: Provides more customization and management options, supporting more complex strategies with multiple positions.

  • V2: Offers a simpler and more direct approach.

The main difference between the two versions lies in V3 offering more complex liquidity and position management capabilities, while V2 adopts a simpler approach. Your choice between them should be based on your needs and strategy.

Last updated